It’s a new year full of new possibilities! Communicatto Academy is looking to help everyone make the most of 2020 with a digital marketing offer.
The digital strategy course we launched with on November 4 was so successful that we’ve decided to run it again. On January 29, we’ll be kicking off a new semester at a fantastic new venue: the YW Calgary’s Hub facility!
And once again, we’re inviting communications professionals who are looking for work to attend the training for free!
The last few years have been challenging for everyone in Calgary. But our city is resilient. And the energy needed to bounce back stronger and more successful than ever is just waiting to be harnessed.
As our economy continues to change and evolve, we know that digital marketing and online advocacy will be vital tools for tapping into that energy. Together we can turbocharge our economy and take our city to new heights!
We hope that giving communicators a chance to develop their digital marketing chops will help chart a new course for Calgary! Call it our way of giving back to the city that has done so much for us.
More information about our January 29 digital strategy course is available below:
Pump Your Digital Strategy Up
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
9:00AM – 12:00PM
YW Calgary Hub facility
1715 17 Avenue Southeast
If you’re a communicator who would benefit from some professional development and you’re currently looking for work, drop me a line. I’ll get you set up to become a digital marketing dynamo!